

Goals and Objectives for Individual Education Plans

Coordinators can setup multiple goals for a student’s IEP.  For each goal the following information can be entered:

  • The current status of the goal which is one of “Preliminary”, “Current”, “Complete”, “Future” or “Discontinued”
  • The duration of the goal – one of “Term”, “Semester”, “Year” or “Multi-year”
  • The categorization domain – one of the domains assigned when setting up the Ministry of Education categorization code for this student.
  • The starting performance level of the student with respect to this goal at the start of the school year
  • Objectives each of which can be assigned a status of either “Preliminary”, “Current”, “Complete”, “Future” or “Discontinued”
  • Strategies that can be used by the teachers and educational assistants to help in accomplishing this goal
  • Evaluation criteria and techniques that are to be used in evaluating the progress of this student towards meeting the goal


Coordinators can define a list of adaptations that are to be considered for each student with an IEP or SLP.  If desired an additional comment can be entered.  A flag can also be set indicating whether this adaptation is permitted on a government exam.  If enabled (typically at secondary campuses), educational assistants can also track in a log whether an adaptation was offered to the student and the student’s response to that offer.

Student Learning Plan Details

Coordinators can setup Student Learning Plan (SLP) Details as required for those plans.  While not as extensive as an IEP, these plans allow for documentation of various goals that are required for these students.  The details to be tracked in these plans are highly configurable, so each campus at a school can track what they desire to see in these plans.

Term Reports for Individual Education Plans

Before term reports are issued, coordinators can review the progress levels assigned, as well as the comments entered by the teachers.  The average of the progress levels entered by the educational assistants for the prior months are shown, along with the teacher’s entries for each course.  If the coordinators wish, they can adjust the calculated value prior to the report being issued.  They can also review the teacher’s comments, and where needed request that the teacher make appropriate edits.  If a campus elects not to use the “course assignment” option, then only a single row for each educational assistant and teacher assigned to that student will be displayed.

Other Sections of the Plans

While no screen shots are provided, there are also individual screens to view or edit the following:

  • Personal data such as birthday, address, phone number, email, and parents
  • Medical data that may be relevant to the student such as vision, hearing, motor ability, diagnosis, etc.
  • The school staff and professional services that are considered part of the team for the plan
  • The categorization codes designated by the Ministry of Education for the IEP, as well as the domains associated with that code
  • A list of the assessments that have been performed on the student over time
  • An other notes screen, where any information not covered else where can be entered.

Plan Status

Each plan has a status which can be modified by the coordinator.  The plans are designed to be “living” documents, so that necessary changes can be made over the course of the school year.  The options are:

Only the coordinator responsible for a student can see the plan.  This is intended to be used when the coordinator is initially developing the plan, so that other staff don’t start working from a plan before it is ready to be used.

The coordinator has “published” the plan so that other staff can start to use it.  However, the plan has not proceeded through the school defined review process where teachers and parents have reviewed the plan and given their “approval”.  Coordinators can still make changes to the plan as deemed necessary.  Educational assistants can enter log records and progress levels against the plan.  However, teachers cannot yet enter term comments or progress levels for a term report.

The plan has now completed the school defined review process and represents the “official” plan for the student.  Educational assistants can enter log records and progress levels against the plan, and teachers can enter term comments or progress levels for a term report.  Coordinators can still make changes to the plan over the course of the school year as deemed necessary, subject to the restriction that the titles for objectives and it’s parent goal cannot be changed once a teacher has entered a progress level against that objective.

The plan is now complete for the school year and no further changes can be made.  If on the first Monday in August, the plan does not already have this status, then the status of the plan will be automatically changed to this status.

Transition to the Next School Year

Starting in June and continuing into the next school year, coordinators can setup plans for the upcoming school year.  If a prior plan exists for that student, then during the setup process all the relevant information will be copied over from that prior plan into the plan for the upcoming school year.  The screens to do this provide for bulk setup of plans, so this can be done as efficiently as possible.


Various reports are available, including the following:

  • Individual Education Plan – click for a sample
  • Student Learning Plan
  • Monthly IEP Progress
  • Term IEP Reports – click for a sample
  • Activity Log Report
  • Staff Assignment Report
  • Others that are still to be developed including Course Assignments, Tracked Assessments, Adaptations Offered Log, and Plan Change Log

All reports can have your school logo displayed instead of the “HSI” logo.  Likewise for the website, your school logo can be displayed instead of the “HSI” logo.