

LSIM (Learning Support Information Manager) is a database application that tracks Individual Education Plans and Student Learning Plans for those students requiring such plans.  Through a web browser interface, Learning Support Coordinators, Teachers and Educational Assistants have fast access to viewing or entering data.  Information is always current and new data entered is immediately available to other authorized users.

LSIM was developed by Bernie Huizing (of Hizing Systems Incorporated) in collaboration with the Learning Support staff at Abbotsford Christian School, and represents an easy to use but comprehensive solution to managing the “sea” of data that Learning Support departments are expected to manage.  LSIM is available to schools on an annual subscription basis from Hizing Systems Inc.  For further information, a demo or a quote please email

Benefits to a School

  • An end-to-end solution – from creating student plans, to tracking progress against those plans, to generating monthly or term reports.
  • All the data in one database that is only accessible to authorized staff via a web-browser interface
  • Eliminates the  management of multiple Word documents or Google docs, and the associated multiple copy and paste operations
  • Increased efficiency, as data is entered once and propagated where needed
  • Eliminates any confusion over whether staff are viewing or editing the right version of a Word or Google document
  • Consistency in data entry, as staff are presented with the “right” forms for data entry
  • Stronger implementation of your privacy policy with staff access provided on “a need to know” basis
  • Highly configurable, so you can set many things up the way your school or each individual campus desires

Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

  • Helps schools meet the Ministry of Education requirements to develop Individual Education Plans and track progress against those
  • For each student track the following:
    • Personal, Medical, Team Members, Professional Services, Adaptations, Assessments
    • Categorization codes (uses Ministry of Education codes) and domains associated with each code
    • Transition Plans, Goals and Objectives, Strategies and Evaluation Criteria for each goal
    • Daily progress levels against each objective and log records associated with those
  • Configurable options to customize Adaptations and Assessments on a per campus basis
  • Reports per student
    • Individual Education Plan
    • IEP Term Reports – supports different number of terms per campus
    • IEP Monthly Reports – contains consolidated progress levels and comments

Student Learning Plans (SLPs)

  • Track relevant information for those students requiring assistance but who do not qualify for Ministry of Education funding for an IEP
  • For each student track the desired elements from the following:
    • Personal, Medical, Team Members, Professional Services, Adaptations, Assessments
    • Plan details – customized for each campus – options include checkboxes, drop-down lists and text fields
    • Activity Log Records
  • Configurable options to customize Adaptations, Assessments and Activity Log options on a per campus basis
  • Reports per student
    • Student Learning Plan
    • Activity Logs – consolidated over selected date range.


  • All communications between user computers and servers are encrypted
  • Integrated with Active Directory, so only authorized users can access the LSIM web site
  • Staff members can only see the students they are assigned to
  • Each staff member is assigned to an appropriate role, so they only have read/write access to the information permitted by that role.


  • Integrated with Active Directory to control user access and permit single sign-on using network credentials
  • Supports automated and periodic read-only updates from another database containing the master student information for the school.  A PowerSchool solution is already in place, and others will be developed as needed.

IT Requirements

  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 or higher running on Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher.
  • Microsoft IIS 8.5 or higher running on Windows Server 2012 R2 or higher.
  • All major browsers supported – Edge, Chrome, Firefox, Opera and Safari