Educational Assistants

Educational Assistants

Log Records for Individual Education Plans (IEPs)

Educational Assistants track progress against an IEP in bi-weekly records.  For each record, the following can be entered:

  • General comments for the 2 week period,
  • Daily progress levels for each objective  – a single digit representing one of the following (can be customized for your school):
    • 1 – Does not yet meet expectations
    • 2 – Minimally meets expectations
    • 3 – Meets expectations
    • 4 – Exceeds expectations
  • Comments for each objective

Activity Log for Student Learning Plans (SLPs)

With a Student Learning Plan (SLP), Educational Assistants track progress using an Activity Log.  To record an entry to the activity log, the Educational Assistant selects the category from a drop-down list, and then enters a date (defaults to today’s date) and a comment.  The options available for the drop-down list are configurable for each campus in your school.

Assessment Tracking

Educational Assistants can also track data against various pre-defined assessments.  These are configurable per school and per campus at a school, so each campus can elect to track what they deem to be important.  The options available for tracking are not limited to those shown, as school specific assessments can be defined each with their own title and list of data fields.


The Educational Assistants can also review the list of adaptations that are advised for a student.  This list of adaptations is individualized for each student and the master list is customizable per campus.